Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facts About Custom Magnets

Merchandise has been used for marketing promotion for a quite a while. You can trace back this tactic in the US to the 1789 elections when there was distribution of buttons for electing George Washington as president. Sadly, most businesses are not able to properly select effective merchandise for their campaign. There are particular items which are known to promote brand exposures over a longer term than others. Custom magnets, beverage holders, and desk organizers are not costly and are very effectual as merchandise for promotion.

Pencil holders and pens are usually missed as items of promotion, because when businesses distribute pens, usually nobody bothers to read what is on them, they are lost easily and need to be discarded when the ink is over. This makes them a poor choice for exposing a brand. On the other hand, something which is helpful in organizing a desk will be on the desk. So, for years it remains on the desk, and people are going to notice the logo. The utility provided by organizers makes them an effective marketing tool.

Another promotional items which are quite effective, are bottle holders or foam cans, popularly called Koozies. Companies who are giving away water bottles and coffee mugs are finding them not so effective, as they are mostly kept in cupboards, whereas Koozies seem to be better at brand exposure due to many major reasons. Compared to mugs, these items are used and shared more extensively during sporting events, barbeques and parties. People generally expect the Koozie to have an interesting or funny design, and hence they are more likely to notice the logo of the company. They also come in models which are collapsible, making them ideal for travel and easy storage. This increased utility means more exposure and also these items have a constant demand. The company who gives such items away is always appreciated.

If you are looking for cost-effective items for promotion, then custom magnets would be the ideal choice. Most people place them on refrigerators and so they rarely get thrown away or get lost. Their multiple utilities make them the ideal item, as people find ways of using them in unique ways. The varieties which are most popular are car magnets, picture frame, calendar and business card. You will find these in various colors, styles and shapes, which gives enough opportunity to correctly project the company's message of any industry. Magnets are ideal platforms for advertising, as you find them sticking around (pun intended!). These are enough reasons to safely conclude that custom magnets are the most effective tools for marketing in spite being cheap.

Custom magnets are one of the most cost-effective promotional items available. They are typically placed on refrigerators, making them rarely lost or tossed in the trash. They meet the key criteria of being useful, often in multiple ways. They have the added bonus of a multitude of customization abilities.

More the utility of an item, lesser are its chances of being thrown away. The ideal merchandise can become a permanent fixture in the office and home, hence giving maximum exposure to the brand. If you want to make your marketing campaign cost-effective then choose high utility items like custom magnets, beverage holders and organizers.